Production : Cube Creative Productions

Sales Agent : Autour de Minuit

2018 - 8’40 (Teaser)

The film is a work on time. That of snails and that of humans. I worked with Philippe Decouflé on the choreography. Thanks to him for taking on this crazy challenge.

Music Pierre Le bourgeois - Sound Studio Badje


Production : Cube Creative Productions

Sales Agent : Autour de Minuit

2012 - 5’30 (trailer)

After my 2005 elephant on a trampoline, I wanted to do a sequel, this time with diving giraffes.

Sound - Music Olivier Militon

7 TONS 3

Production : Cube Creative Productions

Sales Agent : Autour de Minuit

2008 - 2’30

This is the 3D and HD version of 7 tons 2 (my first short at Cube in 2005): from 2D to 3D. The film was put into 3D a few years later, and was entirely rethought with the constraint of a soundtrack that wouldn't change.

Sound - Music Julien Rancoeur